This problem can be solved by two methods
- Deepth First Search (DFS)
- Dynamic Programming (DP)
As I don’t know how to pruning, the first method will lead to Time Limit Exceed.
So, … this is my DP method:
State Transformation Equation:
f(i, j) =
max(f(i-1, j), f(i-1, j-a(i)) + b(i))), if color(i-1, j) is BLACK and color(i - 1, j - a(i)) is BLACK,
f(i-1,j-a(i))+b(i), if color(i-1,j) is WHITE and color(i-1,j-a(i)) is BLACK
color(i, j) =
BLACK, if color(i-1, j) is BLACK or color(i-1, j-a(i)) is BLACK or (j-a(i)) = 0,
WHITE, if color(i-1, j) is WHITE and color(i-1, j-a(i)) is WHITE
Here is the source code:
``` cpp POJ 2184 Cow Exhibition